In the face of an appalling maternal and infant mortality in a wealthy it seems absurd that a needed healthcare service, maternity care, is simply dropped because it doesn't make enough money.

Need I comment on a major city hospital that closed an excellent maternity service to make way for a cardiac intensive care service. Both probably needed but the latter makes much more money.

As you note in your report "The report recommend moving from a fee-based system toward a standby capacity payment model that makes sure the infrastructure is in place."

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Thanks Beth. You are right. Global Budgets in HR3421 are just that. Have a good holiday

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Those elected officials in Congress would have to be brain dead not to “know” what is happening in their rural districts--It’s about Medicaid. Doesn’t anyone wonder why this nation’s wealthiest spend BILLIONS on the RNC and yet states are pinched for the most basic infrastructure needs?

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