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Our atmosphere, soil, and water abound in chemicals, heavy metals and toxins, all of which contribute to a huge variety of diseases. It seems to me that cleaning up our environment would be way more useful than another drug or procedure for a narrow range of diseases or a single disease. What’s the point of another drug when we are thrown right back into the toxic soup? Oh right! I forgot. We only care about profits here. Human beings, non-human beings, the environment are simply not as important as the economy. Our entire “healthcare” system is a silly joke. It’s gotten where drugs and surgeries, and insurance companies dominate all else (outside of pockets of sanity here and there). I don’t even feel like a person in that system. Im just someone whose sysmptoms have to be analyzed quickly so the appropriate pharmaceutical can be subscribed so the specialist can get onto the next patient. Repeat. Until I die of poisoning by my own economic system. Are we crazy? We even want to treat the healthcare system as if symptoms were our only concern. That the real causes of our diseased system and atmosphere are too difficult to address.

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