can you speak to Certification of need programs. Pros and cons?

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Hi Christa - I'm reviewing certificate of need now. In what state do you live? Thank you. I know where I am in Washington there is an activity to change or alter that program. Thank you. YOur answer will help me frame my response.

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I will get details and write about it for you. Thanks for the tip!!

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Lapado attended Harvard Medical School and graduated in 2008. Perhaps they ought to consider rescinding his degree. 🫤

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Thanks for finding that data. Loss of license?

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It is appallingly difficult to get an MD’s license revoked. Any complaints to a state’s Board of Medicine are archived until a certain number is reached, or protests / activists picket the hospital or BoM offices. And in Florida, who knows if a license revocation would ever happen.

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While I certainly am an advocate of lowering drug prices, I am a louder advocate for questioning the use of drugs to start with. If you have ever seen drug commercials, you have seen the happy, energetic people who have “benefited” from a particular drug gamboling about to music while the “possible side effects” are being enumerated. Possible side effects I have heard include: liver and kidney failure, heart attack, allergic reactions, uncontrollable bleeding (for which you need to contact your physician immediately). Personally, I find the side effects about as bad as any disease a drug purports to treat.

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