Happy Tuesday Healthcare Advocates
Please enter requests for research using the comment button at the bottom. Remember our advocacy educates our representatives and lets them know what we want them to do for us.
This will be especially important after May 16th when Universal Healthcare will be reintroduced into both houses of Congress by Rep. Jayapal (WA) and Sen. Sanders (Vt.)
Yesterday was a sick day as I decided to let my ear infection get the best of me. So much better now.
COVID-19 Emergency Over
On May 11th, 2023 the COVID-19 emergency will end. Medicare will still provide vaccines and with a doctor’s prescription at home tests will still be available. Check with your insurance provider to see what costs they will pick up. It is in their and your interest to keep up to date with the latest vaccines as the virus continues to mutate and is still the 4th leading cause of death in the US.
Life Expectancy in the US
We have written about this several times and recently discovered that while life expectancy around the world tended to decline during the COVID-19 emergency. In European countries that have Universal Healthcare it is now on the rise again. Sadly in the US it continues to decline. Here is a chart indicating recent measurements. You Yo
You can read the NPR article here.
The reason I bring this up is that when I began researching life expectancy I found that there are a number of driving factors, such as having access to health care, being able to afford prescriptions, and taking recommended preventive measures including vaccinations. However, I found a video of HHS director Xavier Becerra, and he said that one thing that was important to do was control guns. Of the 47,000 people who die each year that way a very large proportion are young and that also drives down life expectancy.
Since we have had the 200th mass shooting in the US already, here is an easy action to take to tell your Senators and Legislators you want an assault weapons ban and to pass Ethans law regarding safe storage of weapons..
Thank you to Chop Wood, Cary Water and the Newtown Alliance.
Here is a sample script to call or email your Congressperson and Senators and the White House. You can find their phone numbers and contact web pages here or in the reference section below.
“Hi, My name is _______ and I’m calling from [zip.] In just the past week, the bodies of dead mothers have been rolled off of the surviving children they protected from AR15 bullets in not one but two mass shootings.
This Mother’s Day, mothers across the country don’t want cards or flowers. They want a Federal Assault Weapons Ban. I want you to cosponsor and actively push to get an assault weapons ban in place. I also want you to cosponsor and pass Ethan’s law which demands that weapons be safely stored to protect children.
Here it is as a RESISTBOT action
Text SIGN PODISN to 50409 to send this message to your Congressperson and Senators and the White House.
“ I am your constituent. In just the past week, the bodies of dead mothers have been rolled off of the surviving children they protected from AR15 bullets in not one but two mass shootings.
This Mother’s Day, mothers across the country don’t want cards or flowers. They want a Federal Assault Weapons Ban. I want you to cosponsor and actively push to get an assault weapons ban in place. I also want you to cosponsor and pass Ethan’s law which demands that weapons be safely stored to protect children.”
Find My Elected Officials
Contact the White House https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/
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Important Healthcare Resources
League of Women Voters Healthcare Reform Toolkit
Our Newsletter resources including reproductive healthcare
Healthcare Advocacy Reading List
Organizations to Contact
Physicians for a National Health Plan
Claims Denials and Appeals & What to Do
Appeal a Healthcare Decision
Appeal/Negotiate a Hospital Bill
Save Democracy
Chop Wood, Carry Water by Jessica Cravens
Link to the RESISTBOT site to learn more
Link to Chop Wood, Carry Water Resistbot write up