Happy Friday Healthcare Advocates
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Reproductive Healthcare Updates
The far right leaning 5th Circuit Court of Appeals still has the appeal regarding the availability of Mifepristone. This case annoys me no end since the doctors who filed it claim standing because someone might need to see a doctor after they take the drug. I thought that’s what doctors do. Anyway, the effects can be far reaching since it seeks to remove the authority of the FDA which was mandated by Congress in law and presents a risk to the distribution of any other medication. Judges on the appeal seem to be opposed to the Justice Department’s arguments for allowing the drug to be on the market. PS this medication is also used to treat miscarriages and fibroids.
New Abortion Access Restrictions
This week a representative in North Carolina was the key vote to overturn the governor’s veto of another restrictive abortion law. This law allows abortion up to 12 weeks but includes requirements for multiple doctor visits and other obstacles are placed in the path of women and doctors. Last month, state Rep. Tricia Cotham joined the Republican Party after having campaigned for and won her House seat as a Democrat, handing the Republicans a veto-proof majority that delivered Tuesday's override. Note, she won as a Democrat by 19% over her competitor by campaigning for abortion rights. I think her district ought to be demanding a recall. Someone should follow the money.
Where is Abortion Available?
Here is a nice graphic from the Kaiser Family Foundation. Red states have a ban, light blue states have gestational limits between 15 and 22 weeks. the yellow state is a 6 week ban, dark blue abortion is available after 22 weeks.
No comment necessary. But here is a link to the Kaiser site. They have an interactive version of the map and you can see which states have what kind of exceptions as well.
Universal Single Payer Health Care
Representative Pramila Jayapal (WA) and Senator Bernie Sanders have introduced single payer Universal Healthcare legislation into the Congress. H.R. 3421 in the House and S. 1655 in the Senate. I am waiting for congress.gov to have the texts of the bills. Remember that Single Payer means that public payments to private providers.
Pharmacy Benefit Managers
Recall last week we discussed Pharmacy Benefit Managers. Here is a link to that article. Senator Sanders just released another Pharmacy Benefit Manager Transparency bill, S. 1339. There’s the link if you care to read it. I am working my way through it now. It is better than the one’s we saw last week, in that it forces PBMs to give up the rebates/kickbacks/bribes they take when they build the formulary. I am trying to decipher who gets the rebate. This bill assigns it to the plan sponsor. I know in some cases that is the employer who provides insurance. I will try to decipher the language and get back to you on this one. In My Humble Opinion, the Kickbacks should just be illegal.
Call or email your Congressperson and Senators and the White House about this. There is a sample text below or use RESISTBOT on your phone by texting SIGN PPMDUX to 50409.
“I am your constituent in [zipcode] and I want to point out to you that our healthcare is severely hampered in the United States. But there is good news. You are in a position to fix it.
I want you to actively support and cosponsor (if you haven’t already) H.R. 3421 and S. 1655, Improved Medicare for All which is a Universal Single Payer Healthcare Insurance Trust for all of us cradle to grave.
I also want you to actively support and cosponsor the Women’s Health Protection Act to restore women’s reproductive rights. 14 states have stripped away women’s rights and another 11 have limited them. It is not safe to become pregnant in 1/2 the country now. Since when did women become womb-slaves?
These are things I need and can’t do myself and I need your help. Please help.”
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Chop Wood, Carry Water by Jessica Cravens
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