Healthcare Reform
May 3, 2023
Happy Wednesday Healthcare Advocates
I’m very thankful for your advocacy for healthcare reform. If there are subjects you’d like to have researched, please send me a note using the comment box at the end of the newsletter.
Reproductive Healthcare News
Washington State is a safe harbor and refuge for women seeking reproductive healthcare. Many states are not and the list is growing. A quick search this morning at the website of the Congress showed that in the current legislative session there were 272 pieces of legislation that mention the word abortion.
Almost all of them are hurtful, hateful and seek to prevent abortion under any any and all circumstances. No matter that they are making womb-slaves out of more than 50% of the population and that the damage and death they cause when reproductive care is not available and mothers die is the result. So many of these bills seek to return women and girls to the status of property and force them to suffer needlessly.
I cannot imagine how hateful the authors and supporters of these bills have become.
However, two bills in Congress seek to make things better (out of the 272). One is the Women’s Health Protection Act that will again legalize abortion and the other is the Equal Access to Abortion Coverage in Health Insurance, the EACH act, which removes financial restrictions and strikes down the vicious Hyde amendment prohibiting federal funds being applied to abortion care.
ACTION 1 Use RESISTBOT (See Resources below to learn about Resistbot) on your cell phone by texting SIGN PXHQSY to 50409, to send this message to Congress.
I am your constituent and I want you to fixthis abortion mess now. I want you to cosponsor and support the Women’s Health Protection Act providing access to abortion care and the Equal Access to Abortion Coverage Health Insurance, EACH Act, that removes financial restrictions to abortion care. You are either a woman, or are related to one and you owe this to them.
On May 16th Congresswoman Jayapal and Senator Sanders will both present companion Universal Single Payer Healthcare bills in Congress. It is about time our country took this important step and joined the 35 other industrialized countries with Universal Healthcare.
According to the 2022 Commonwealth Fund report on the status of US healthcare we now have the worst life expectancy, the highest maternal mortality, and the worst infant mortality amongst all OECD countries.
This is nothing to be proud of, it is a disgrace. Politicians have sold out healthcare to insurance companies and pharmacy benefit managers and we pay the highest costs for not the best care.
Here is Another Quick Action - Do this one over and over
Call your Senators and Congressperson and tell them you want them to sponsor and vote for Universal Healthcare. You can find their phone numbers here or in the references below. The text can be easy. Try “ I am your constituent in zipcode_______. Congresswoman Jayapal and Senator Sanders are introducing Universal Healthcare legislation on May 16th. I want you to be a co-sponsor and to actively support it.”
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Organizations to Contact
Physicians for a National Health Plan
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Chop Wood, Carry Water by Jessica Cravens
Link to the RESISTBOT site to learn more
Link to Chop Wood, Carry Water Resistbot write up