Happy Monday Healthcare Advocates
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Beware the Imitation Insurance
The Jabberwock is the fantastical monster referenced in the poem's title, Jabberwocky, by Lewis Carroll, in which the poem's protagonist tracks down and slays. As the poem's central foe, the Jabberwock represents an evil force that must be defeated for good to prevail. Hold that thought.
I am reminded of a truism that the cheapest option is often the most expensive choice. This is usually due to unintended consequences. The product doesn’t last and needs repair or maintenance. It is so with health insurance.
Let’s remember that insurance is supposed to protect you from particular risks. Those risks are that your bills will be covered in the event that you become ill.
In 2016, the Obama administration recognized the problem of having healthcare tied to employment and allowed short term plans to be sold to provide a modicum of coverage while you were between jobs (and health insurance). These plans were available for 3 months only and are pretty minimal. The premiums are low, but they do not adhere to the basic tenets of the Affordable Care Act including equal treatment of patients with preexisting medical conditions and coverage of 10 categories of health benefits, such as maternity care, mental health services and prescription drugs. The plans also sometimes impose yearly limits on coverage.
The Trump administration decided to allow these policies to run for 1 year instead of 3 months and to be allowed to be renewed for 3 years. Their “logic” was freedom of choice. People with few medical needs can choose to have little insurance. There is a problem of course, without preventive care and early detection, the risk of serious problems occurring rises as does the cost and quality of outcome can quickly decline.
When people choose the cheapest, it can be the most expensive.
Good news! Friday the Biden administration indicated that they will again be putting firmer limits on such policies. Here’s a quote from the president. “That’s not health insurance. That’s a scam,” Biden said during remarks in the East Room. “That’s a scam that has to end.”
So far the short term plans are banned in about 50% of the states (good news). New regulations will allow them to be sold for 3 months with a 4th month renewal, only. They will also have to disclose up front what is covered and what is not covered. Caveat Emptor. Here’s a link to the Washington Post Article.
Christian Cost Sharing
This is another effort to offer something that looks like insurance for less than the cost of many policies. THESE ARE NOT INSURANCE. People make a monthly predetermined donation to a “ministry”. Then when medical bills arise they apply to the ministry to have their bills covered. Sounds like insurance but sadly not. Here is a link to a PBS Newshour video on the subject.
These arrangements have about 1.7 million subscribers nationwide and generally don’t cover preexisting conditions, they have serious yearly or lifetime caps, don’t cover “moral" medical conditions like abortion care, contraception, mental health issues, or drug and alcohol related medical claims. Out of wedlock birth, you’re out of luck.
In Colorado, the state investigated such organizations and found that of $362 million submitted in claims there only about $132 million was paid. Let’s face it, one good catastrophic claim could wipe out what ever coverage you thought you had and you’d still wind up in bankruptcy. I would hate have this type of sharing and an ectopic pregnancy.
These plans arise because there is money to be had. Commercial insurance companies take advantage on regular healthcare policies, create skimpy scam policies and get rules put in place to sell more of this garbage. Churches get in the game with cost sharing, and you can see they cover only about 1/3 of what people need and still make money. You know what the answer is. Yup, Universal healthcare just like the rest of the industrialized world, better coverage, cradle to grave, everyone in, not tied to your job. Tell your representatives.
Tell President Biden you’re proud of his decision to call skimpy bridge health insurance what it is, a scam. But that Improved Medicare for All fixes the issue for all of us. Here is his contact info https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ .
Tell your representatives in Congress to get on the ball and enact either HR 3421 or S 1655 Improved Medicare for All. No more fake skimpy bridge plans, no morality based cost sharing, just the real healthcare infrastructure we all need at lower cost for all of us. You can reach them here.
Or use Resistbot by texting SIGN PWTYHQ to 50409 to send the message below.
“I am your constituent. I am glad that President Biden will limit access to bridge health insurance to no more than 4 months as opposed to the Trump rule of 3 years. But you know that insurance does not meet the ACA requirements for preventive care or preexisting conditions and has serious limits. It allows people to become really ill and possibly not get their bills paid. What a scam.
Not the only scam by the way, morality based cost sharing plans have 1.7 million subscribers and they cover what they feel like covering. Out of wedlock birth, out of luck.
We need real health insurance for all of us. You have it in your power to do that. enact HR 3421 or S 1655. Cradle to grave, no copay/deductible, expands rural health coverage and increases the number of facilities and doctors, improves quality and does it for far less than we pay now. DO IT.
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Chop Wood, Carry Water by Jessica Cravens
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