Better Healthcare Is Out There - Just Not Everywhere
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Happy Wednesday Healthcare Advocates
I would like to encourage comments and suggestions from you if you have time. If there is a special topic you’d like to see please let me know. Please use the comment button below. Right now I have queries out regarding health insurance denials. Will report back when the data arrives.
Iowa - Latest Home of the Taliban
The Taliban seeks to establish an extreme religious autocracy in Afghanistan. In addition to males having lots of unregistered guns running around, one of their important techniques is to subjugate half of the population (women and girls) by not letting them have full citizenship rights. Well, that’s what Republican state legislatures are doing. Lots of guns and relegate women to second class status without the autonomy to control and determine their own healthcare.
Yesterday the Iowa legislature passed severe restrictions on abortion. Banned after 6 weeks, before most women know they are pregnant. Allows for rape/incest exception if reported to authorities as a crime. Allows an exception for fetal abnormality and to save the woman’s life. We know how this goes as we have seen it in Texas. More women will wind up with sepsis and face risk of death and lose the ability to become pregnant in the future. Doctors and pharmacists will not act soon enough due to fear. These are terror and intimidation techniques and put women’s lives at risk. Who else treats women like that? Oh yes, the Taliban. In case you need to be angrier, you can read the legislation here.
Better Care is Possible
Today’s article is about Patient Revolution. You can find them at This video came my way and I wanted to share it with you. I found it so hopeful. Dr. Victor Montori, is a full professor of medicine and practicing doctor at the Mayo Clinic. He fights against the industrialization of medicine and encourages making care patient centric. By helping his team focus on the whole patient he was able to save the Mayo Clinic millions of dollars yearly providing better healthcare to patients and making sure that they could access all the social services they needed. Surprisingly, I met a paramedic yesterday in Vancouver, Washington, and he shared with me how his team does the same thing on every 911 call. They examine the home situation, see what additional services are needed and get people plugged in. It makes for healthier people and saves a fortune. What an idea.
Anyway, this is not the only way to build the patient revolution. Providers can register for a 4 week class to develop how to build their own patient revolution to improve patient care. Modules take about an hour a week for 4 weeks. You can sign up here. Next class is July 17th. I signed up.
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Chop Wood, Carry Water by Jessica Cravens
Link to the RESISTBOT site to learn more
Link to Chop Wood, Carry Water Resistbot write up